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ProClean Drain Line & Grease Trap Treatment, 5 gallons
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No matter how often you clean your pipes, the grease and waste begin to build up again as soon as you’re done. ProClean® Drain Line and Grease Trap Treatment helps to restore and maintain the proper flow in drains and grease traps. ProClean Drain Line and Grease Trap Treatment is ideal for commercial applications to help reduce grease trap pumping by as much as 65%. Why wait until you have a plumbing emergency and risk losing revenue? Our simple maintenance product will help keep grease trap issues to a minimum.
How Does it Work?
ProClean Drain Line and Grease Trap Treatment contains microbes that eat organic waste and turn it into carbon dioxide and water. The treatment then builds a biofilm of microbes on the walls of drain lines and traps that works around the clock, consuming grease and organic waste before it has a chance to build up. Use the Time Flow Meter (also available from Duracable) to automatically inject the precise amount of ProClean Drain Line and Grease Trap Treatment into the drain and trap to replenish biofilm washed away by the natural flow of water through the system. Because the Time Flow Meter has a battery backup, the treatment will continue working even in a power failure.
- Keeps Drain Lines Flowing at Full Capacity
- Reduces Grease Trap Pumping
- Neutralizes Odors
- Environmentally Safe
- Safe to use in and around food areas
View the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for ProClean Drain Line and Grease Trap Treatment.